This site is written in Markdown and generated with the static site generator (SSG) Hugo. Markdown is a simple plain text document format that can be easily and quickly processed to generate html, pdf, .docx, and a number of other file formats. I use it for just about all my writing - for documents and articles (I avoid Microsoft Word at all costs!), note taking, and for writing web pages. Hugo quickly generates an efficient website. Since the website is made up only of static webpages and a little JavaScript, it renders fast.
I started with the Mainroad theme, and gradually added customizations and extensions. (I spend way too much time fretting about formatting and not nearly enough time actually writing content - And the results are pretty mediocre in any case!)
I use this site to post notes about cycling, (especially track cycling, and cycling education), technology, and other random topics. It’s my place to put various articles and information that I feel like sharing. Sometimes feel compelled to opine on a topic. I don’t rally expect people to read my writings, but maybe the odd person will find something useful!
When I was working, I had a blog where I wrote technology articles. This website is focussed on cycling articles, since that’s my current passion.
“It’s All Downhill From Here”…
As an active senior citizen cyclist, I find the double entendre really appropriate.