
Hugo Markdown Image Handling

Hugo Markdown Image Handling

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The article discusses the details of how Goldmark Markdown and Hugo handles images, along with how to add attributes such a positioning and sizing when using images in a Hugo Markdown file.

Hugo's Markdown Formatting Tests

Introduction This article is a reference for Hugo’s version of markdown as well as Hugo’s processing. Here are a few good Markdown references and tutorials: Goldmark - Goldmark is a markdown processor written in go, which is used by Hugo Markdown Guide Wikipedia Markdown entry CommonMark - the markdown “standard”

Hugo's Markdown Extensions

Introduction This article focuses on markdown as supported by Hugo and Pandoc. Here are a few good Markdown references and tutorials: Markdown Guide Wikipedia Markdown entry CommonMark - the markdown “standard” Hugo’s Markdown Hugo uses the GoldMark as it’s default Markdown processor. Goldmark supports the CommonMark standard, along with: Tables, Strikethrough, Autolinks, TaskLists from GitHub-Flavored Markdown Definition Lists and Footnotes from PHP Markdown Extra Special typographic characters from SmartyPants Embedded HTML may be enabled in the Hugo Site Configuration Attribute lists on headings and block elements to add styling.